Childcare for Simple Things
Often as single parents we wait until we have a night out to look to find childcare. I have spoken to several of my new mom friends about the challenge of finding good care...
A glimpse into the journey of a mother and entrepreneur trying to balance it all.
Often as single parents we wait until we have a night out to look to find childcare. I have spoken to several of my new mom friends about the challenge of finding good care...
I am slowly becoming super human. I am able to do so much more than I ever imagined since having CBK. The most surprising is how much I can accomplish with one hand. When...
I exhaustedly hold CBK for a middle of the night feeding after a long day working. My eyes can barely stay open and I take a moment to look down at him. It still...
I have been blessed to be part of a summer baby boom. Between my friends and family, there will be 7 little boys either a few months/weeks older or younger than CBK. I can’t...
I have gotten pretty comfortable with taking CBK out and even regularly attend a mom’s group with other new mom’s each week. I quickly learned how often there are no changing tables in restaurant...
I have very little alone time. CBK is always nearby, part of the bargain of parenting on your own. Need to make dinner, better figure out how to do it with a baby on...
I spent the final four months of my pregnancy sleeping sitting up. I heard people have horrible heartburn during pregnancy but this was unbelievable. My son has a TON of hair so maybe that...
I have always considered myself a smart girl. I have more than one master degree, have traveled the world, and run a company. I also worked for years on issues related to teen pregnancy....
Its funny but for as long as I can remember, I have stated that I was going to be a mother by the time I was 35. I always knew I wanted to be...
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